As a social responsibility of HighScope Indonesia, we share our knowledge about high quality and effective education with other schools, especially schools in the middle-low level that experience obstacles in their school development due to their limitations. We share our knowledge with those schools through several activities, such as:
- Teacher training
- School facility development
- School management
- Entreprenurship programs in vocational schools
- Conferences for public school teachers
- School Adoption
One of our partnership programs is Program Sekolah Asuh (School-Care Program).
The Objective of this program is to develop the awareness of all parties on the importance of changing the education paradigm in Indonesia. We also support schools in developing their human resources quality, especially the leadership of school principals, the teaching skills of teachers and the enrichment of learning media
In the School Care Program (Program Sekolah Asuh), HighScope Indonesia will build partnerships with schools, such as:
- Early Childhood Education
- Public Schools (Elementary up to High School)
- Vocational schools
- Independent schools