
» » » Greetings from the Founder & CEO

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Greetings from the Founder & CEO

Antarina SF Amir
Educating children in the 21st century has become more complex than at any time before in history. The complexity of problems facing our children covers numerous aspects, such as culture, the economy, politics, health, society, and rapid technological development, just to mention a few. Consequently, the world we live in today requires highly resourceful people who can sort, analyze and utilize information to answer the challenges of the future.
In our efforts to prepare our children for such real life challenges and to achieve success in life, more than just academic excellence is needed. Moreover, we can no longer only emphasize academic areas; instead, we need to develop students as complete human beings, by balancing the development of their academic, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, in addition to developing their learn to learn skills, creativity and building strong character with spiritual intelligence.
Starting with the opening of our preschool program in 1996, we subsequently established HighScope Institute Indonesia in 2000 and sought to promote the HighScope approach throughout the archipelago by opening more schools all over Indonesia offering preschool, elementary, middle and high school programs for children aged 1.5 to 18 years old.

Years have passed and HighScope Institute Indonesia vigorously continues to conduct teacher development programs, thus ensuring quality in training and practice, to provide relevant services to individual sites, to develop training course materials, and to enrich elementary, middle and high school curriculums. HighScope Institute also works in cooperation with qualified consultants in various academic fields to provide research and development activities along with workshops to enhance the pedagogical skills of our teachers and keep them up-to-date.
HighScope believes that a school is a learning organization that involves everyone in the system – students, parents, educators, community, government, and business people – in expressing their aspirations, building their awareness, and developing their capabilities together, by learning from one another. From its humble beginnings until the present day, HighScope Indonesia continues to animate the mission of Ki Hadjar Dewantoro – Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, Ing Madya Mangun Karsa, Tut Wuri Handayani, to become a learning organization where everybody is inspired to always seek knowledge throughout their life journeys - as the leader in the Human Development Paradigm.
We invite you to contact the school to arrange a visit at your convenience and discuss the benefits of a HighScope approach for your family.
I wish you a warm and friendly welcome.

Best Regards,

Antarina S.F Amir
The Founder & CEO

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